Uncomplicated & Practical Ways to Get Out of a Depressive Episode

Happiness is an elusive concept; we all crave it, but few of us know exactly how to get it. Sometimes it can feel like no matter how hard you try, you are stuck in feelings of sadness, hopelessness, or depression. If that’s you, know that you aren’t alone; an estimated 10 percent of adults in the United States suffer from symptoms of depression each year.

While depression isn’t a bad mood that you can snap out of immediately, there are some things you can do to get out of a depressive episode.

Challenge your negative thoughts

When you feel depressed, it’s easy to engage in negative thoughts like “I’m a failure” or “Nothing ever works for me”. These negative thoughts can become habitual patterns of thinking, called cognitive distortions, which continue to elicit more feelings of depression.

A powerful way to get out of a depressive slump is to challenge your negative thoughts. Consider how true they are. Is there some other way to look at the situation? Ask yourself questions like “How do I know this to be true?”.

Express your feelings

We are often made to believe that feeling emotional is a sign of weakness and that feelings should be suppressed. However, the truth is that the more you resist your feelings, the stronger they get. If you are feeling low, try to work through your feelings. Journal out your true emotions and write down everything you feel. Give yourself permission to cry. If you need to shout, go somewhere you won’t disturb others or scream into a pillow. Create art, talk to a friend, or listen to music that helps you feel your feelings. The key is to express your emotions, but not to wallow in them. Once you feel a little better, shift your focus to taking action.

Move your body

If you think exercising is just for looking good or improving your physical health, think again! Numerous scientific studies show that exercise can be as useful for relieving mild to moderate depression as medication.

If you find it difficult to push yourself to go to the gym when you are feeling depressed, think of a fun way to move your body. This can be playing with your kids, taking your dog for a walk, walking along the beach, going for a swim, dancing, or even doing chores like gardening or cleaning the house.


Depression can cause us to get in our heads and get caught up in a bleak, negative outlook on life. An effective way to break this negative train of thought and increase the amount of dopamine, the "happy hormone," is laughter. Whether you watch a romcom, listen to a comedy podcast, or watch funny dog videos on Youtube, you’re bound to feel a lot better.

Help Someone

Think of one time you helped someone. How did it feel?

Helping others not only connects us to a positive, loving energy, but it also helps us get out of our minds and break our depressive thought patterns. Doing something helpful, like volunteering, helping a neighbor out with their yard work, sending a kind message to a loved one, or taking care of a pet, can instantly elevate your mood.

Go Outside

An instant way to feel better when you are depressed is to go outdoors. Nature has a therapeutic effect on us and can generate feelings of calm and joy while reducing depression and anxiety. So drink your coffee outside, eat your lunch outside, or just grab a book and relax at your local park.

Seek Professional Help

We all feel sad now and then, but if you are experiencing constant feelings of depression, it is important to seek professional help. In addition to getting professional help, trying one of the tips mentioned above can help you find relief and overcome a depressive episode.

By Tanvi Chadha

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