5 Ridiculously Simple Self-Care Ideas for Busy People

By Tanvi Chadha

We all know we should practice self-care, but seriously, who has the time?

With work and chores, trying to practice self-care seems like another task on a never-ending to-do list. Maybe you find yourself thinking you’re just too busy to practice self-care.

However, that’s just not true. Self-care doesn’t have to be long and complicated. In fact, the most effective self-care is an effortless part of your day without it feeling like another task on your to-do list. A good self-care practice can help you feel balanced, calm, energetic, and more positive.

Create a morning and nighttime routine

One of the easiest ways to incorporate self-care into your day is to create an intentional morning and night routine. An intentional routine means that you can reap the benefits of self-care without needing to add 10 different time-consuming activities. Instead, just decide on what is practical for you and stick to that. Whether you choose to meditate for 20 minutes or just think of three things you are grateful for while brushing your teeth, it’s up to you. Having a routine frees up your brain from having to make extra decisions, streamlines your life, and can transform a boring chore, like brushing your teeth, from something mundane into a fun, magical ritual.

Create to-do lists

Do you go about your day struggling to remember all the tasks you have to get done? Trying to do this is sapping away your mental energy and tiring your brain with something that can easily be outsourced onto a piece of paper. So, do yourself a favor and clear out your mind. Write down all your tasks, chores, and to-do items in a notebook or on a digital note.

Celebrate your smallest wins

How often do you celebrate yourself? Chances are, you only celebrate the big things, like a job promotion or an engagement. However, celebrate the small wins, whether it’s waking up on time, eating an apple instead of a brownie, or going for a walk.

Move every 90 minutes

Most of us are stuck to our desks and barely move for hours straight (unless of course, we have to pee). This sedentary lifestyle can cause a toll on our mental and physical health. When you sit down to work, set an alarm for every 90 minutes to get up and move. When it rings, take a few minutes to stretch, do a couple of jumping jacks, or just go and get some water. This is an easy way to incorporate movement into your day without having to dedicate a large chunk of your time to it.

Focus on 3 good things that happened every night

Before you go to bed, think of three good things that happened. It doesn’t have to be big or life changing. Maybe someone complimented your outfit, you had a good hair day, or your friend called up to check on you. Maybe you saw a cute dog that made your day. Our minds tend to remember the negative over the positive. Thus, developing a practice to focus on the good things that happen every day is a powerful way to help you develop a more optimistic outlook on life.


Self-care looks different for everyone, depending on your lifestyle, personality, and responsibilities. For some, it can mean committing to a meditation practice for 30 minutes a day. For others, it can be something as small as taking 5 minutes to enjoy your morning cup of coffee. The important thing is to set aside regular time to recharge your cup. Say no more often, rest when your body needs it, and practice gratitude daily. Just doing these simple things will transform your energy, emotions, and mindset.


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