Stop Second-Guessing Yourself! 4 Tips to Boost Your Self-Confidence

By Tanvi Chadha

Do you feel self-conscious when you walk into a room full of people you don’t know? Do you feel like you aren’t as interesting as others at a party? Do you feel awkward when people look at you, and wonder what you did wrong? Or maybe you avoid dancing in front of people because you are afraid of looking silly.

Imagine walking into a party, wearing an eye-catching outfit you know looks amazing, ready to talk to anyone, with complete confidence in yourself.

Most of us hold back on our true, authentic selves because of a lack of confidence. We fear judgment from others, or we believe we aren’t good enough, so we don’t let our light shine.

As a result, not only do we suffer mentally, but we also lose out on opportunities like applying for a new job, asking someone out, starting a business, or making new friends.

So how can we build confidence and stop second-guessing ourselves?

Stop Comparing Yourself to Others

When you scroll through Instagram, how do you feel? Do you compare how you look to other people’s edited pictures? Do you feel bad about their extravagant lifestyles or perfect relationships?

The more we compare ourselves to other people, the worse we feel about ourselves. The truth is that no one's life is perfect, no matter what it looks like on social media.

Everyone is on their unique path, with their own challenges, even if you can’t see them. Most people don’t display their struggles or lows, so it can feel like you are the only one with problems. But remember, you are not alone. Rather than looking at the positives in other people’s lives, look at what’s working well for you! Focus on your strengths, your blessings, and your highlights.

Take Care of Your Body

When you take care of yourself, you are giving yourself a signal that you are important and deserving of good care. Eating healthy, moving your body, and getting enough sleep are all simple things you can do to look and feel better physically, naturally helping you feel more confident.

Surround Yourself with Positive People

The people you spend the most time with play a vital role in how you feel. Spend time in a positive environment with people who make you feel good, encourage you, focus on your strengths, and motivate you. Avoid spending time with people who engage in self-deprecating humor, who love complaining, or who constantly seem to find faults in you.

Be Kind to Yourself

How often do you let your inner critic loose in your mind, the one that is constantly nagging you, judging you, telling you that you look too fat or that no one will find you funny?

Self-confidence is a game with yourself. To build self-confidence, you have to win over your inner critic. Rather than engaging in negative self-talk, encourage yourself with your thoughts. Think about everything you do well. If you make a mistake on your first day at work, rather than saying “I’m so stupid”, reframe your thought into something positive. For example, you could say “I am learning” or “I will do it better next time.”

Be kind to yourself and lift yourself up. You are your biggest cheerleader!


Struggling with confidence is a common issue, but it is something that everyone can work on and improve. Practice being kind and compassionate with yourself, engaging in self-care, and being more positive to be more self-assured in who you are and develop your confidence.

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